Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 7, awful...Day 8, the BEST yet!

Day 7:
Just to sum it up...CRAP! Couldn't run more than 11 minutes and I was suppose to run 15 minute intervals. Never even made it to 3.1 miles.

Day 8:
With two days off and pizza 2 nights in a row, I'd better have run...and did I ever! I went with a little different approach tonight. Since my goal is to be able to run the 5K without stopping (not for time), then I probably should focus on increasing my distance in intervals, vs. increasing my time in intervals.

I hit the gym @ 5:30 this evening and was able to get on the treadmill I like! I walked my 3 minute warm up @ a 3mph pace. After 3 minutes I began my jog @ a 5.0mph pace. I think this pace helped me go farther for longer. I knew I could run a solid mile, so I set my goal for 1.2 miles. Once 1.2 miles were run, I still felt good, so I kept going until 1.5 miles (yep a mile-and-a-half). That 1.5 miles had never felt so good! I slowed back down to a 3mph pace for 2 minutes. Then I finished up the 5K at 2 5.5mph pace...yep, you read that 2 minute walk in between and that was it, even with a faster pace. I felt like I could have kept going, but I didn't. My commitment is 3.1 miles, 3 days a week.

As I hopped off the treadmill, I felt like giving myself a little cheezy high five. (i didn't... so not cool.) But, instead I smiled at my accomplishment, especially after 2 crappy runs in a row. (haha.."crappy runs") I am proud of, for not giving up after 2 yuck runs, and two b/c I did it, and it felt great.

All and all, even after a very mixed emotional week, I still stuck with my commitment. Another run tomorrow...and I'll keep you posted!

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