Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 3...and I ROCKED!

What a great start to another awesome day! Sleeping until 9:30 has never felt SO good. It was the much needed rest I've longed for all week. Got up, and dressed, and off to the gym (although the weather was perfect!). Today's training was 7:1 minute intervals. I rocked it out! Took the pace down slightly to an 11 minute mile, but held that pace with no problems.

As I'm jogging on the treadmill and watching some Fox News (battery died on the MP3), I'm astonished with the reports and footage of Haiti. I think this coverage held my attention, because the time flew by. I look down, and I've already jogged for 26 minutes and I still feel great. So, I bump up the pace to a 10.5 minute mile and keep on trucking! My 30 minutes are up, but because I slowed down my pace, I haven't run my 5k yet. After 34 minutes, I've run the 3.14 miles (5k) and the work-out is done.

I head to the mat to get in a long stretch before I head home. I feel great, I'm working toward that 5K on February 20th and I'm definitely feeling better about myself. I love that I'm adding more balance to my life and thinking more about myself (plus I got my nails manicured today).

All in all, things are off to a great start. I'm staying motivated, getting the support I need, and more importantly that affirmation I always seem to crave!

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