Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 4...another day and I rocked it out, again!

I got started today later than I would have liked, but I still did it! Come 3:00, I was dragging ass, but still made it to the gym with 9:1 minute intervals to bust out. I got on the treadmill and began trucking at an 11 minute pace. Then the cramp hit, low on the left side. I figured if I stopped, that would be the end of my run, so I pushed through. By the time the 1st 9 minute interval was up, the cramp was gone. Thank God! The 2nd interval came and gone, and then the 3rd. My 30 minutes were up and I still felt like I could keep going, so I did. I ran the 3.14 miles in 38 minutes. So far, so good.

With a little hesitation, I'm beginning to think I might like this running thing. I know for sure that I feel so much better after I complete my run. And I definitely don't dread going to run. It's a time when I get to be by myself and do something for me!